An internet 'Dear Diary' of anorexia

Posts tagged ‘calories’

The Cake Off

So, as you may or may not know I have recently started baking with my partner, and as me and my partner are bored of the school-home routine my Mum suggested we organize a big baking competition with my friends, and thus, The Cake Off was born.

My bulimic friend didn’t make it, but I did OK. I had two home cooked burgers and a panini for brunch and despite getting a bit stressed in the morning and going to bed at 11:45pm (O.o) I did quite well. I stayed awake and happy for the day. We had 12 different cakes (below)

I managed seven different slices before finally admitting defeat, and although there is still masses left, I only had one small anorexic attack and that was when I was overtired the night before and suddenly got scared at the amount of calories I was going to consume the next day.

I also managed to run around with the others in the park without getting tired and having to lie down like I have had to before which is good 🙂

Although we’ve all decided it would be a good idea to leave it for at least 6 months until we do another one so our intestines have time to recover 🙂



Update Post #2 – My bulimic friend(s)

Last I heard my close friend  is worse. It all started because a girl at her college is copying her. My friend is the popular one, and this other girl wants to be, so she began to copy my friend and to bitch really badly behind her back to try and make people think my friend is lesser. Most people think the other girl is a douche, but when my friend found out what was said she began to think something was wrong with her and began throwing up. She was doing really well and didn’t throw up for a day, then she heard the other girl had been bitching again and started throwing again. She also says she eats when she isn’t hungry, she just eats…she isn’t fat…but she is always eating…even when she isn’t hungry. She no longer see’s food as food, but rather as calories. She has a sudden desire to be the girl that when she walks into parties, everyone says how fantastic she looks…but last time she went to a party all she’d eaten that day was an apple and some paracetamol and she ended up paralytic…

Friend two finds eating is the only thing that makes her happy. She can’t go to school because her schizophrenia is so bad she can’t focus so she won’t get good grades. She can’t go to college because there is nothing to study, she can’t go to uni because she doesn’t have the grades, she can’t go to work because she’s too ill to sustain a job. She feels like her life is going no where. She eats to make herself happy, but then she wants to throw it up but because her Dad is now working at home to keep an eye on her, she can’t throw up which makes her feel ugly and dirty.