An internet 'Dear Diary' of anorexia

Posts tagged ‘gym’

Not. Even. Funny

So…I managed to get rid of the bladder infection…then four days later it came back. I’m now dosed up on pain killers, antibiotics and barely able to walk because of the pain.

This is now the 7th time in 14 months I’ve had it so I need tests and scans done to see why it’s happening. -_-

So no gym for me…still…

And another bad start…

So I went to the gym for the first time on Wednesday, but then soon after I got freshers flu and a bladder infection so I haven’t been able to go since.

I didn’t go to Pilates on Wednesday as I’d planned because we were running late so we just went to the gym bit of the gym 😛 I basically had an hour of induction onto the machines but I now have a weekly plan and in two weeks the guy said I’m to try the weights with the bi bar between them rather than the little hand weights.

So the machines basically focus on arms, legs and upper body muscles as I said I wanted to work on my arms and he said I’d need to work on the whole of my body or I’ll end up with some toned bits and some ‘flabby’ bits 😛 So I warm up either on the running machine or with weights – making sure all of my body is worked from legs to my neck – then I work my way round the machines which each individually work different body parts-back, top arm, bottom arm, forearm, bicep, legs, bum etc- before warming down by stretching.

I’m on antibiotics now so I should be better in about 3 days so I’ll miss another session but might go on Tuesday just to get back into it before Pilates on Wednesday 🙂


Gym time :)

So I still suck at doing my exercises…but in half an hour I’m heading over the road to join the gym 🙂 so now I’m paying for it I’ll HAVE to go 😛 The plan is to do Yoga on a Monday, A Pilates/Aerobics biweekly rotation every Wednesday and Zumba on a Friday 🙂 So I’ll let you know how it’s all going

I’m also going to see if I can get my anti-depressants upped to 40mg as I’m struggling with anxiety and depression and as the winter months close in things are only going to get tougher.

I also have a lovely friendship group who are looking after me and my partner 🙂